When our children feel ill, or when we have a cold ourselves, there are plenty of remedies on the market that claim to ease the discomfort we experience. However, Larry Hoffman’s team of personal injury lawyers in New York has represented many members of the public who have filed drug defect lawsuits against Zicam – a zinc-based medication that has been proven to permanently damage the sense of smell for some patients.
The zinc included in the remedy is an important factor in why it is so dangerous. Over 130 people have had the nerves in their nose damaged in the form of permanent anosmia, because of the chemical imbalance which this ingredient causes.
Although caution or avoidance of Zicam products has been recommended, after the damage has been done Larry’s team of the best trial lawyers will handle personal injury lawsuits for those who have had their sense of smell impaired. Through legal consultation, a more thorough assessment of the case is possible, since the medical complaint could vary, dependent on whether Zicam nasal sprays or remedy swabs were originally used.
Because of how the findings were established, the manufacturers of Zicam were not legally obliged to complete a recall. However, if you have been affected by this drug in any way, Larry the Lawyer is here to help.
Call Larry Hoffman now at (516) 216-4353 or 1-800-260-0419 or 718-766-7985 or e-mail LHoffman@LarrytheLawyer.net to discuss your legal case for free